The big cleanup

Flokkr project was an experimental area from the beginning. After a while I realized that my containerization work requires too many repositories and I moved them to this organization. The repositories contained mutiple experiments to containerize Hadoop/Spark and other bigdata projects.

I run them with:

  • Kubernetes (using plain kubernetes resource files)
  • Kubernetes (using Helm charts)
  • docker-compose (local pseudo clusters)
  • Docker swarm
  • Nomad + Consul

Most of them are no longer maintained. As of now I use:

  • Kubernetes
  • docker-compose (some of the stable parts are already adopted by the Apache Hadoop Ozone project)

Therefore I decided to do a huge cleanup in I moved all the unused repositories back t and archived them (no repository is deleted). The flokkr project itself now focuses to run Apache Hadoop / Spark / … in kubernetes, all the experimental bits are moved to my personal github account (Including some kubernetes based experimental project such as a ui + operator approach)

The other big change is that I decided to drop Helm chart support. I will describe it in more details, but my opinion is that Helm is very good for quick prorotyping but not for managing production ready clusters. There is no ‘One Size Fit All’ and Helm is very bad at supporting multiple different use cases (different type of configs, different type of product sets)

In this project I switched to use a composition based kubernetes resource manager: flekszible. With the help of this tool I can maintain the essential configuration flavours of the base projects (such as hdfs, hdfs-secure, hdfs-ha, spark) and combine/generate the final kubernetes resources files which can be versioned and handled in a simple ways.